What you’ll need to get started:
- A WordPress Site. That’s it, really.
Theme to install:
- Alt Lab Canvas Clone (Github – needs to be manually installed)
Plugins to install:
Steps to get it working:
- Activate all the plugins above
- For H5P, you’ll need to download and install every content type you want to use under the H5P Hub, which you’ll be prompted to use upon your first visit to the H5P section.
- Activate Alt Lab Canvas Theme
- Set default user role as ‘Contributor’ through Settings > General > ‘New User Default Role’
- Set up Capabilities under the ‘Capabilities’ subsection under ‘Contributor’ with the following checked:
- edit h5p contents
- h5p capabilities
- view h5p contents
- view others h5p contents
- Create a test user with the Contributor role.
- Test functionality with View Admin As… OR Test functionality by logging in as your test user.
- Populate your site with pages like this one – feel free to ‘Save as’ any images or copy any text you like👍
NOTE: Some Learning Management Systems / Virtual Learning Environments have permissions restrictions for students posting <iframe> or <script> tags within discussion forums or other areas. If you’re asking students to post in systems like this, be sure to check with your support staff to make sure they’ll be able to share.