EDIT518: Introduction to Learning Analytics

Unit Description

This unit explores assessment, evaluation and learning analytics in digital learning contexts. A range of assessment and evaluation framework are examined along with the issues of validity and reliability. The application of learning analytics in digital learning is examined particularly in reference to how learning analytics can be used to support assessment and evaluation practices. The ethical issues associated with assessment, evaluation and learning analytics are also considered.

Learning Objectives (Official)

At the end of this unit, you will be able to:

  1. critically analyse ethical issues associated with assessment, evaluation and learning analytics;
  2. demonstrate coherent theoretical knowledge in the application of a range of assessment frameworks in education, training or workplace settings;
  3. demonstrate coherent theoretical knowledge in the application of a range of evaluation frameworks in education, training or workplace settings; and
  4. make high level judgements in the application of learning analytics in education, training or workplace settings.

Human-Readable Learning Objectives (Unofficial)

  1. Educate others about historical, current and emerging issues in Learning Analytics
  2. Define your personal code of conduct as it relates to learning analytics, privacy and ethics
  3. Explore forms of and applications for Learning Analytics 
  4. Develop a Learning Analytics Framework for your context

What will I be doing?

Project (60%)

Your Project makes up the majority of your mark, and is iterative, meaning you’ll work on it as you progress through the unit, then revise it after our Assessment and Intensive Period.

Collaborative Activities (25%)

Collaborative activities can come in the form of discussions, collaborative activities and other tasks. Instructions for completion are housed in each section of the unit.

Formative Activities (15%)

Formative Activities will cover everything in the readings. You have a few options for what you can complete, from a quiz, to the creation of learning materials for future students.

Project Overview

Data-informed Decision Making Framework

Your boss asks you to explore this thing they’ve heard about called ‘Educational Data’. They have charged you with exploring as much as you can about the concept and then present a framework (A.K.A. a plan) for using this data to improve practices in your workplace / learning context.

Time to devote to this project: 15 hours for every 2-week section of this unit